
Hello! I'm Gabriella Santos, a designer in Sacramento, CA.

This is a case study about IKEA and their customer's touchpoint journey while using a new feature during these times of social distancing - virtual wait-lines.

Currently, IKEA has implemented new safety protocols due to COVID-19. I have expanded on their changes and added a virtual wait line to the experience to help maintain social distancing but also make the experience a little more convenient for customers. This case study shows the process of creating and integrating a virtual wait line feature into IKEA's system while keeping within IKEA's branding style.

It consists of 5 touch points: Awareness, Planning, Waiting, the Experience and Follow Up.

Let's begin:

Discovery and Research

Touchpoint 1: Awareness

Touchpoint 2: Planning

Touchpoint 3: Waiting

Touchpoint 4: Experience

Touchpoint 5: Follow Up

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