What is the problem?
People don't like waiting in lines. Its hot (or cold) and it's harder to social distance waiting around near people.
How can we solve the problem?
Integrating a virtual wait line where people wait in their cars instead of in looping lines around the entrance of the store
How do users find out about the feature?
Ads, email campaigns, word of mouth, upon visiting IKEA and seeing signage
How do I make sure the experience as smooth as possible?
Understand customers' wants and needs. Find out how to accommodate the needs and wants in an efficient and effective way. Create it. Test it. Improve on it.
For all types of personas who need and want affordable high-quality furniture. IKEA provides a user-centered experience allowing you to engage with products. Unlike other home stores, IKEA provides you with all the tools to customize and build your dream home.
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